Brown University love

Brown University


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  • A linguist and mathematician, learned, voluble, and ambitious, Howell was the first tutor hired to teach at Rhode Island College, the school later known as Brown University.

    Robert Morris Charles Rappleye 2010

  • A linguist and mathematician, learned, voluble, and ambitious, Howell was the first tutor hired to teach at Rhode Island College, the school later known as Brown University.

    Robert Morris Charles Rappleye 2010

  • Here, with Manning as president and Hezekiah Smith (1737-1805), his class-mate at Princeton, as financial agent and influential supporter, the institution (since 1804 known as Brown University) was for many years the only degree-conferring [v. 03 p. 0377] institution controlled by Baptists.

    Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon" Various

  • I know of several preeminent women scientists such as Brown University vertebrate paleobiologist Christine Janis and Harvard University physicist Lisa Randall In the interest of full disclosure, her high school classmate was another future distinguished physicist, Brian Greene; both of whom I had overlapped with at our high school alma mater.

    Kirk Cameron on the spot - The Panda's Thumb 2009

  • Despite the fact that biologists such as Brown University professor Anne

    The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed DAN IRVING AND JENNIFER EVANS 2010

  • Francis Wayland, a prominent theologian, antislavery activist, and longtime president of Brown University in the decades before the Civil War, spoke for many of the cloth when he warned that “thoughtless caprice,” “sensual self-indulgence,” and “reckless expense” were not only sinful but also socially ruinous.

    A Renegade History of the United States Thaddeus Russell 2010

  • One witness in hearings on the bill, a professor of music at Brown University, told the sympathetic senators that “we owe it to our children and our families to limit the consumption of cheap and questionable music on the air and at least provide light music of the best grade at our disposal.”

    A Renegade History of the United States Thaddeus Russell 2010

  • Among the Ivies, Brown University remains the lone holdout.

    How to Get More Ivy Leaguers Into ROTC Cheryl Miller 2011

  • "That segregation is declining in most places is a real plus," said John Logan, a Brown University sociologist who has published research on the topic.

    Segregation Hits Historic Low Miriam Jordan 2012

  • Connie blogs with her twin sister Annie atRatty Gourmet, where they share recipes from Brown University's main cafeteria affectionately known as the Ratty.

    Small Kitchen College: Sweet Dreamin': A Fruit Tart Fit for Valentine's Day Small Kitchen College 2012


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